Thursday, December 1, 2011

Crown molding angles, simplified.

We were thinking about going digital when it comes to crown molding and measuring your angles in order to install crown molding. What do you think? If you take a look at this beauty here in the picture it is the prime candidate to add to our crown molding system. The difference really is the ease of the read. Our current model is extremely sufficient. Measures well and has the necessary accuracy you would need for any crown moulding install. I like it. If a complaint could ever arise though, I would foresee it having to do with reading exactly what angle is that has just been measured for eyes not great at the close up read. Enter The digital read out screen of this crown molding angle finder. Yep, that is nice. A digital number looking you right in the eye. Not revolutionary but nice. For those of you who are not sure where this tool even fits into the equation of installing crown molding, just know that in order to understand what angle you set your miter saw when cutting crown molding corners you have to know what the angle of the corner is. That is where this angle finder comes in, you simply set it up to each adjacent wall and there you have it, your corner angle. With our system you then divide that number in half, set your miter saw to that number, set your crown molding on my jig and make the cut! The beginning of a perfect crown molding install. More can be learned at our site But back to the digital angle finder option. Please tell us what you think, go to and let us know your opinion. You can also email us direct from our site at I would like to see it added to the arsenal of great weapons we have to install crown molding perfect but it is you that always matters. So drop a line and let us know.

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