Wednesday, November 16, 2011

How To Install Crown Molding

First so that there is no frustration on your part, I want to send you here: Our website. This is going to show you how to really dive into a crown molding project.  Again though, to save you any frustration you are going to have to buy something. The Key though: Our how to install crown molding system is really easy. Meaning that while yes you do have to purchase our jig and angle finder(too make it really easy buy the angle finder) once it arrives in the mail you are not going to have to spend days upon days studying up, building extra jigs, or trying to figure out complicated calculations.

It will come in the mail, and if you have watched our video, also found right here on our site. Then you will be ready to go. Simple.  Crown molding, simple.  Did you ever think you would be able to put those two together when talking how to install crown moulding?  We did not about ten years ago.  Then we thought up our system and made it all easy from there on.

Did you notice though that we said you can watch our video online right now and learn how to do it. You do not have to wait for some over priced DVD to come with the package and then watch it.  You can actually do your homework before it comes and then when you receive the package, you can start cutting.

That is what we call simple.

Now we can get complicated. When we say get complicated we mean that there are many cuts when talking crown molding, there are many corners, many angles and many different situations you will come across. In all of those cases we do have a DVD you can watch.  This DVD covers all the hard cuts.  The best part of the DVD is it can all be done with that our jig and angle finder. And does it ever make all of those complicated cuts easy.  If you must have it now, you can go here.

So now that we are completely done here, this is why we put the first sentence disclaimer up on this blog.  While I know you want to learn how to install crown molding, and may have ended up here to learn it, our website is the place you need to go. It has all the videos, information, talk of spring angles, finding corner angles, cutting the crown molding so as not to waste material and most of all it has our jig.  Don't worry that it will be another day or two in shipping to get your project started, think of it as study time and watch our video a few times, grab your material, and make sure your wife or husband has picked out the right color paint for the rest of the room you are renovating!